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GRAPH: COVID-19 hospital beds in use as of Sept. 16, 2020
GRAPH: COVID-19 hospital beds in use as of Sept. 10, 2020
GRAPH: COVID-19 hospital beds in use as of Sept. 3, 2020
GRAPH: COVID-19 hospital beds in use as of October 9, 2020
GRAPH: COVID-19 hospital beds in use as of Sept. 21, 2020
GRAPH: COVID-19 hospital beds in use as of October 8, 2020
GRAPH: COVID-19 hospital beds in use as of June 23, 2020
GRAPH: COVID-19 hospital beds in use as of Aug. 31, 2020
COVID-19 Top 20 Countries | Confirmed Cases | 16th September 2020 | Coronavirus Update World Graph
2020 Sept 16 Coronavirus Community Update v40 Recording
GRAPH: COVID-19 hospital beds in use as of December 23, 2020
Patient-flow modelling and resource demand prediction during COVID-19